Blog Post

Single Cell Reading List

Single cell is a challenging technique to work on. It requires a ton of expertise in both computational savy, as well as an understanding of some high level ...

Jin Et al 2015

Understanding the landscape of histone readers is of crucial importance to my reserach. These proteins which recognize, and recruit various complexes and pro...

My Reading List

There’s a ton of papers out there. Some are good, some are bad, and some are really - really important. So, here is a collection of papers that I think are i...

Useful Snakemake Questions from StackOverflow

I’ve been spending alot of time using snakemake recently, and I absoutly love it. It makes processing a ton of files relativly easy, and does a ton of the se...

Identifying RNA-Seq strandedneess

Often times it’s essential to know the strand orientation of your library. If for instance you have overlapping genes, or very closely nested genes, you wont...

Cowplot and Gviz

If you’re trying to use both Gviz and cowplot in the same package it can be done. It took me a while, but I eventually found the answer on a combination of a...

My Toolbox

It seems like everyone who does computational biology has a different workflow. Whether it be a different IDE, different libraries, everyone has a set up tha...

Running Peakranger Bcp

So, I was interestd in running the software peakranger bcp recently, but stumbeled into a rather irritating probelm. I kept getting the classic message Segme...

Getting Started in Bioinformatics

This is a question I see all the time online. It has many variants, but the most frequent I see goes something like - “Where should I start, and what do I ne...